Extended Demo

Immersive Subtitles Extended Demo

Pan's Labyrinth

Guillermo del Toro's masterfully made gothic fairytale served as a perfect test film for Immersive Subtitles, and we greatly respect his work.  This feature length demo will only be embedded here for a limited time to allow people a chance to fully experience what Immersive Subtitles can do.

This extended demo is hosted on Vimeo so you can watch it in full HD on any computer, or any TV that has a streaming device with the Vimeo app(Roku, Apple TV, Amazon Fire, etc).  For those that want to watch it on their TV, you can use the 'Watch Later' button in the video to save it to your Vimeo account.  If you don't have an account or don't want to create one, the easiest way to find the video is to search for 'immersive subtitles' in the app.