
"I don't wanna go if the movie has subtitles."

If you love movies, you've heard it before. It's too bad, but let's be honest - subtitles kinda suck.

It can be hard to keep track of who's talking, you miss a lot of the visuals while reading, the titles block out portions of the screen or disappear on similarly colored backgrounds, and on and on. Subtitles will never be perfect.

But they can be better.

Immersive Subtitles

Immersive Subtitles are fully artistically integrated into the movie to create a more engaging, and enjoyable subtitle experience. Color, timing, placement and a number of other factors are all considered for every scene to make the process as invisible as possible.

Check it out.

Pretty cool, right?

The goal with Immersive Subtitles is not to be overly stylized, but to be a part of the film.  To be crafted with the same care and consideration as those who made the film.  Foreign films shouldn't be a chore to watch.  Nor should a film in your native language if you are deaf or hard of hearing.  

So if you're excited about Immersive Subtitles, leave a comment on the video, share it with others, write about it, tweet about it, whatever!

If you'd like to know a little more about the process head over to the Method page. 

And if you've stuck around to read this far, head over to the Extended Demo page.  A full length version of Pan's Labyrinth with Immersive Subtitles will be there for a limited time.  If you want to really see Immersive Subtitles in all their glory you can watch it on your computer, or on your TV through any streaming device that has the Vimeo app.